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Jannet Unite-Penny

Go to Introduction to South African Essences

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All South African essences, single and combination, are currently $20.50 for 1/2 oz stock.

NOTE:  We have been notified in November 2021 of shipping changes that may affect the price.  

This page will change to show any increases. 

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Descriptions for South African Essences

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Masculine energy; yin/yang balance; integration of right and left brain lobe functions; learning difficulties.

African Banana

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This essence addresses different aspects of the function of masculine energy. It balances overly yang masculine) energy, which may manifest as chauvinistic male behaviour, with yin (feminine) energy, having a softening, sensitising effect. It also deals with hypersensitivity to stress, criticism or anxiety in men which makes it difficult for them to perform sexually, as well as bringing balance to situations where men use physical or mental activity as an outlet for their sexual energy, often to avoid the vulnerability they associate with intimacy. Banana essence, working with the yin/yang balance, facilitates the integrating of the function of the right and left lobes of the brain and is, therefore, also of assistance to those with learning difficulties.

Abundance consciousness; money issues; willingness to receive.


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For avariciousness and poverty consciousness, an over-identification with possessions and the material dimension, for those who have money issues in their lives, hoarding what they have, feeling that there is never enough or feeling that their wealth makes them special and better than others. It is also for those who fear being deprived of physical resources. This essence allows abundance consciousness, an inner knowing that money is energy, that there is no limitation imposed from outside oneself, that one can have it all if one will open to receive it and that fear and avarice are a certain way to keep oneself in short supply.

Envy; jealousy; greed; competitiveness; lust for power.


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For envy, jealousy, greed, lust for power over others, aggressiveness, competitiveness, a disproportionate amount of energy directed towards I issues. For those who are bitter that others are apparently better off than they are. These are issues that relate to the first and second chakras and this essence balances these chakras with the crown and throat chakras thus bringing through a sense of altruism, the ability to put the needs of others before one's own, where appropriate, and to rejoice in others' good fortune.

Self empowerment through acceptance of responsibility; resolution of internal conflicts; ability to move forward; joy in others' good fortune.


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This essence facilitates the reconciliation of internal conflicts and anger which have been suppressed in the body. Such conflicts are often the cause of cancer. This essence, with its association with Laetrile and Vitamin B17, is a powerful aid in reaching and reconciling the emotional origins of cancer. It empowers one to take responsibility in one's life and make the changes necessary for health and well-being. It also brings an ebullience and delight in life itself.

Caretaking of the Earth; attunement to nature; dissolution of sense of separation.


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This essence sensitises one to the natural world, facilitates relating to nature as a source of inspiration and serenity, creating reverence for the Earth and bringing an awareness of one's individual responsibility to protect the Planet from exploitation, and one's stewardship of the Planet. It assists in the development of self-love as a consequence of attuning to Nature and seeing oneself reflected as part of the whole.

Sense of individuality; personal power; clarity of focus; self motivation.

Arum Lily

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For an imbalance in yin/yang energy. This essence assists in strengthening the sense of self and of individuality, enabling one to know oneself and to act from a sense of personal power. It brings clarity of focus, empowering one to clear confusion, resolve personal conflicts, harness the energy of the psyche, become self-motivated and move forward confidently.

Procrastination; inability to finish what one starts; perseverance; strengthening of the will.

Australian Tea Tree

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For those who lack determination and the will to succeed, who procrastinate and who tire easily of projects they have undertaken, seldom finishing what they start. This essence strengthens the will, allowing one to access the extra energy needed to finish a project and the ability to carry it through. It assists one in persevering, committing to and staying with an undertaking.

Breaking with the past and repetitive patterns of behaviour; releasing negativity; enhancement of intuitive and telepathic abilities.


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At the point where one is ready to break with the past and old patterns, this essence will be of assistance in over-coming susceptibility to old influences. It is also useful when feeling overwhelmed and confused by thoughts and emotions. It works with releasing negativity, bringing emotional clarity, and focuses the mind. It harmonises the yin/yang balance, brings inner strength and the courage to move forward. It also sensitises one to touch and assists in opening up emotionally to others. Avocado essence is recommended for the therapy process and massage. It enhances telepathic and psychic abilities and empowers the intuition.

Rebelliousness; personal autonomy; fathering; acceptance of responsibility.


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For problems with authority figures, for those who are either overly obedient and respectful or who rebel against authority for the sake of rebelling. These characteristics often originate in a deficient relationship with the father or father-figure. Many men are insensitive to the importance of the role they play as fathers. This essence can awaken an awareness in men of their responsibilities and has the ability to help them bond with their children. It also assists in developing an awareness of personal power so that reaction against authority is no longer necessary.

Fatigue; depletion; exhaustion; overwhelm; disheartened; convalescence.


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For fatigue, exhaustion and depletion. When one feels overwhelmed, disheartened or unable to carry on, when everything is too much of an effort. For convalescence. This essence restores vitality, energy, enthusiasm, zest for life and a sense of well-being.

Misuse of sexual energy; redirecting sexual energy as a tool to enlightenment.


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For those who are ruled by their genitals, for whom physical gratification is primary, for promiscuity, an inability to be sexually faithful to one partner, for illicit or debasing sexual activity or interest in pornography. Modern society gives double messages about sexuality. On the one hand it is flaunted as the most popular marketing tool, on the other rape, prostitution, incest and child abuse pose major moral problems. Hypocrisy around sexual attitudes is rife. Sexual energy is a powerful spiritualising force. As the serpent in the Egyptian pharaoh's head-dress, representing enlightenment, is the symbol of the raised Kundalini, the serpent-like energy, raised from the base chakra to the crown chakra, so sexual energy is a tool for attaining access to the sacred realms. Misuse and misunderstanding of this force hold one back on the path to the Spirit. This essence helps balance the energy of the first and the seventh chakras, integrates the poles and assists one in becoming whole.

Burying real issues; integration of core or root emotions; emotional authenticity.


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For the release of superficial emotions which cover and keep deeper Soul issues inaccessible. Certain core emotions such as anger, fear, despair, or loneliness may be too overwhelming to deal with or integrate, causing upheaval in one's life were they to be brought to the surface. A protective response is to deny or bury the real issue and to concentrate on surface or superficial matters. This can result in a sense of alienation and isolation from oneself, as one essentially denies who one is in order to avoid dealing with such key issues. This essence gives an ability to recognise the root emotion and bring it to the surface. It facilitates emotional authenticity.

Apathy; emotional repression; integration of lessons from the past; activation of life force.

Bell Gardenia

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For those who are listless, apathetic, with little interest in life, often ill or ailing and unable to muster the life forces to heal themselves. They may appear pale, wan and drained, and have low immunity to disease. There is usually severe emotional repression underlying these symptoms, and the energy which is used to repress emotions could be more beneficially directed towards living. This essence activates and frees the life forces, often bringing emotional issues into consciousness and restoring vitality and the desire to participate joyfully in the life process.

Anger; rage; desire to blame and punish; useful for children.

Belladonna Lily

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For powerless anger and rage which make logical, rational thought impossible, for uncontrollable temper, for the misuse of anger and for the desire to blame and punish. Anger is a potent tool for transformation. To ensure that it is not used destructively, it must be appropriately expressed. This remedy centres one for appropriate action and restores one's sense of benevolence. When anger is the root emotion, that is when every other emotion ultimately leads back to anger, this essence is the key remedy, as it allows healing of the underlying cause. It is useful for violent rages in children.

Auric protection; stress resulting from excessive sensitivity to sensory stimulation; facilitates harmonious use of sound.


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For over-sensitivity to outside influences, for those who are sensitive or spiritually aware and who are knocked off balance by discordant sound or become disorientated and ungrounded in cities, shopping malls and crowds. It is also for those whose auras are too sensitive to withstand bombardment in situations where they are exposed to excessive sensory stimulation or bad vibes. This essence is particularly related to the harmonious use of sound. It strengthens and protects the aura and enables one to develop the ability to create tones which lift, transform and harmonise with the music of the spheres. It also allows one to remain centred, grounded and free of anxiety, regardless of what is happening around one. It is valuable for children who are exposed to stress and is an aid to meditation.

Strengthens female energy; yin/yang balance; enhances intuition and ability to be intimate.

Blushing Bride

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This essence has a strong relationship to the inner female. It introduces a softness and gentleness and facilitates intimacy. It opens awareness to the emotional and spiritual life and enables one to access information necessary for the healing process. It is recommended for men who deny their feminine side and for women who are polarised in their masculine side. It enhances intuition, dreaming and meditation, and strengthens the link with the Soul.

Disheartened; overwhelmed by adversity and sorrow; restores courage.


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For courage, for a heavy heart, for the disheartened, for discouragement, for times when the hurdles in life seem to be too high, when one is overwhelmed by adversity and sorrow. It is an esoteric principle that everyone has the inner resources to deal with the life lessons they attract to themselves. This essence is of assistance at times of tribulation; it increases courage and optimism, bringing in real courage as opposed to bravado, it restores buoyancy and puts one in touch with the inner strength and ability to handle, and learn from, what life has to offer.

Courage to change; transition; breaks negative links with the past.

Bottle Brush

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With the new millennium, the old paradigm has changed, the past is over. As we insist on clinging to the past and on replaying the old dramas, we prevent ourselves from moving forward. This essence assists in breaking negative links with the past. It allows one to digest, assimilate, integrate and move on. This remedy is also of assistance at major crossroads in one's life and at times of change. It gives one the courage to step forward into new realities.

Over-identification with the emotions others; helps establish emotional boundaries; auric protection.


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For those who do not have emotional boundaries, whose auric fields are absorbent, who feel and pick up the emotions of others to the extent that they are uncertain which feelings are their own and which originate outside themselves. Such people seek to merge with others, sometimes to lose themselves, often to escape personal pain. This results in the aura being excessively open, and easily contaminated, and in over-identification with others, particularly significant others. If the other is sad or angry, these feelings are absorbed and internalised. Such people can live on an emotional merry-go-round as they are subject to surges of conflicting feeling, which may have no basis to refer back to and no means to process. Buchu flower essence helps establish boundaries with others, strengthens the sense of self and clears the auric field.

Intellectual arrogance and coldness; promotes mutual understanding; sensitivity and receptivity.


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For cold, intellectual superiority, for those without heart who are hurtful, coldly correct, sardonic, mocking, arrogant or harsh, for those who are unable to hear what others really say. This essence brings warmth, sensitivity, humility, compassion and receptivity, the ability to hear the message behind the words, thus engendering mutual understanding. Just as this herb has the ability to heal cuts, so the flower essence has the ability to heal the tendency to inflict emotional cuts.

Confrontation of the shadow; inner torment; confrontation of dark aspects.

Cancer Bush

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This essence allows one to confront one's shadow, to wrestle in the cave of one's being with the demons of the inner world, to transform the ugliness and the dark aspects of one's nature. It brings one face to face with that which one fears in oneself, revealing that which awakens terror in one, allowing one to gain mastery and peace by going through the experience to emerge victorious.

Insecurity; fear of the unknown; fear of failure; emotional paralysis; personal power.

Cape Almond

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This essence grounds and centres, enabling one to find a safe space within and to feel secure. It allows one to act from one's own authority. Fear of the unknown, fear of the future, fear of failure, emotional paralysis and an inability to move forward, are all addressed by this essence. It enables one to cultivate boldness, to develop an innate confidence, to become the explorer, acting from a sense of personal power.

Inflexibility; ruthlessness; arrogance; over-emphasis on work and doing; workaholics.

Cape Honeysuckle

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For those who tend to extremes, who become fanatically involved in whatever they do, who are self-denying, inflexible and ruthless with themselves and others, for people who overdo, for workaholics. This essence is also for the armchair critic who displaces anger, becoming futilely enraged. Such people can be arrogant and autocratic. It introduces moderation, compassion and an ability to see a broader perspective.

[no photo]

Shock sustained during birth process; for pregnancy, birth and rebirthing.


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For people who feel that the world is not a safe place and consequently place more emphasis on protecting themselves than on living. This essence is connected particularly to the infant and to shock sustained during or after the birth process. It is of assistance at any age in accessing, and releasing, pain sustained as a result of the trauma of entering the physical world. It is also recommended for the final stages of pregnancy, for the birth itself and for infants.

Visualisation; ability to contact spiritual realms;aid to meditation.


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This essence imparts the ability to contact the higher realms, facilitates the harmonious opening of the third eye, balancing the upper and lower chakras and integrating the energies. It enhances visualisation abilities and is useful for those seeking to develop psychic abilities, grounding and giving protection against outside influences as these unfold. It is an aid to meditative practices.

Unethical behaviour; impeccability; operating with integrity; adhering to principles.


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For those who lack a moral code, who are dishonest or unethical, untruthful with themselves or others. The purity of this essence awakens the inner voice of the Self, the voice of conscience and of inner guidance, enabling one to develop character, to establish principles and to apply them in one's life with impeccability.

Lack of self-worth; self-neglect; depression; subjugation of the self; honouring of the self.

Christ Thorn

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For depression where self-worth and a sense of inadequacy are issues. For those who feel they are flawed or defective, who neglect themselves and their own needs believing they are unimportant, that they should subjugate themselves to others and should put others before themselves, who focus on nurturing others but resent doing so. This essence brings a sense of personal value. It facilitates respecting and honouring oneself and one's emotions, allows self-nourishment, caring for the self, as well as for others.

Excessive or obsessive anxiety about the safety or wellbeing of others; uncontrollable thoughts of catastrophe.


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For fearful anticipation of danger or problems for loved ones, uncontrollable thoughts of catastrophe, irrational or obsessive anxiety about the safety and well-being of others. For those who have an overdeveloped sense of responsibility. In a world where our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes play such a vital role in creating our reality, fear and negative thoughts are very destructive. This essence facilitates caring for others with inner strength, calmness and trust in the ability to hold loved ones in thoughts of health, protection, and expectation of safety.

Nervous depletion; emotional tension; nail biting; panic attacks.


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For nervous depletion, irritability, emotional tension, nervous habits or idiosyncrasies such as nail-biting, for nervous breakdowns or panic attacks. This essence calms and balances the nervous system, restoring vitality and releasing tension from the solar plexus area. It brings tranquillity and serenity.

Generalised fear; expectation of disaster possibly linked to past life experience; self sabotage.

Coral Tree

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For generalised fear, for those who experience numerous fears, none of which is substantial in itself but which accumulate to become a heavy burden. Fears, such as these, often have their origins in past life experience which has resulted in the belief being imprinted on the subconscious mind that physicality is not safe, and which manifest in the continuous, or frequent, expectation of danger, loss, pain or self-sabotage. This essence lifts the pervading expectation of disaster. It also works at a much deeper level to clear the archetypal underlying fear and allows the Soul contact which puts one in touch with the sense of love, protection and an unending potential for joy.

Disorientation; lack of personal space; need to conform; linking matter and spirit.


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This essence is linked in numerology with the number one and has the ability to link spirit with matter, the cosmos with the earth, creating reverence for the Earth. It is simultaneously grounding and spiritualising and thus is of assistance at times of spiritual expansion, keeping one grounded and linked with the physical, while facilitating the spiritual process. It is also of particular use to those who are disorientated and stressed through city living or through lack of personal space. Nervous individuals, and those who feel obliged to conform to the norms of society, will be assisted in finding inner space, strength and peace.

Disorganised thought patterns; inarticulate expression; public speaking; throat chakra; integration of ideas.


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For those who are unable to express themselves clearly, who are shy, inarticulate or introverted, whose thought patterns are disorganised, confused and unfocused or who are flooded by many ideas simultaneously. This essence balances the throat chakra. It allows one to focus the mind, to pay attention and brings about composure, integration of ideas and coherent expression. It is of particular assistance for public speaking and acting.

Shame; remorse; self forgiveness; self- acceptance.

Crab Apple

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Essentially this flower essence is for self-forgiveness and self-acceptance. It is also a powerful cleanser of the emotional and the physical body. For those who hate themselves, who feel shame and self-disgust, whose instinctual response is to berate themselves, this essence facilitates Soul contact which lifts and transforms self-hatred, putting one in touch with the love of God, the Goddess and the synergy of All That Is.

Excessive use of the will; unthinking devotion to a cause; inability to understand any other point of view; negative ego.


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For when the forces of the will are excessive and are directed into passionate idealism, blind or unthinking devotion to a cause, when the will is used to force obedience from others or is directed into charismatic qualities or into a hero complex. These people are enormously capable and have tremendous willpower and perseverance, but are often ruled by the negative ego and will not countenance any opposition or other point of view. Once set on a course, they are unswervable, like a battleship in full steam. This essence softens, moderates, bringing in gentleness, flexibility and an ability to surrender where appropriate.
Pessimism; defeatism; alienation; sense of separation. Cucumber

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For pessimism, lack of interest in life, defeatism, for those who feel separate from others and withdraw, finding it all too much. This is a heart chakra essence which, by engaging the energy of love, assists in re- engendering vitality and commitment to the life process and in opening new windows of perception.

Self-criticism; self-hatred; frustration; depression.


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For a deep sense of gloom and despair which originates in frustration, self-hatred, self-condemnation and continuous self-criticism which is turned inward, for those who avoid expressing anger. This essence opens the lower self to the Higher Self, facilitating self-love and harmonious communication to lift the judgement imposed on the self, it allows compassion for the self to unlock the door to new avenues of beauty, wonder and passion for life.

Stress; tension; striving to be perfect; emotional release.


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For stress. For those whose response to stress is to try to do more, striving to be perfect. This essence brings relief from tension stored in muscles. Grief stored around the heart chakra, thymus and throat chakra can be brought into consciousness and so released. It can also be used externally. The release of emotional energy can be intense. It brings inner peace and balance. Dandelion is a powerful cleanser of the emotional body.

Dark night of the Soul; despair; disillusionment; hopelessness.


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The Base of the Cross Remedy. For complete and utter despair, the dark night of the Soul. For when one hits bottom. For those who are disillusioned, discouraged,
weary and hopeless, for whom the future looks dark and bleak. This essence brings hope, abiding trust, tranquillity and optimism. It opens one to the Soul qualities of enchantment, beauty and joy, and to a new way of being.

Unexpressed grief; inability to express deep emotions; integration and acceptance of pain.

Dog Rose

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For denied, unexpressed or unaccessed grief or pain held in the heart and throat chakras, for those who lack the skills necessary for expression of emotion. This essence opens the flow of energy to the throat chakra allowing expression or communication of deep emotions - there is magic in the telling. It brings acknowledgement, integration and acceptance of the pain. It is particularly beneficial for children who suppress their emotions.

Periods of transition and change, e.g., divorce, mid-life crisis; separation from Soul and Spirit.

Dune Calendula

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For periods of transition - birth, adolescence, mid-life crisis, divorce or times of change - when one feels alone and cut off from the Soul and Spirit, trapped in
three-dimensional reality, unable to make contact with one's spiritual guides or call on spiritual protection. This is a freeing essence and allows the experience of being
cared for, guided, loved and protected, an innate knowing that we are never alone, that the love is all around us and that our willingness to let it in determines how much of it we can receive. This knowledge equips one with the courage, strength and vision to undertake the transformation, transmutation, and transcendence of the physical world willingly.

Broken-heartedness; intense grief; remorse; transformation through pain.

English Hawthorne

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For intense grief, broken-heartedness, deep hurt and unbearable pain and anguish. Such experiences can be doorways to new ways of being. Because of our belief structures, it is often only through intense pain that we become willing to change. This essence heals, brings emotional balance and facilitates using the pain as an opportunity for self-transformation. It is valuable at times of debilitating stress due to emotional upheavals. This essence has been used in the treatment of the emotional aspects of cancer because of its association with deep grief and remorse.

Abandonment; co-dependence; sexual repression; fear of parenthood; fear of commitment.

Evening Primrose

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This essence deals with problems of emotional imbalance resulting from one of two polarities, either rejection and abandonment issues in early childhood, particularly relating to lack of bonding with the mother, or from situations where the child was not allowed to develop according to its own needs, where independence was discouraged and the parent, often the mother, sought a co-dependent relationship with the child, possibly using the child to establish her own sense of self-esteem and fulfill her ambitions. In either of these circumstances, it is not possible for healthy emotional development to take place. This essence is of assistance in healing the resultant emotional deprivation which may result in fear of commitment, for fear of abandonment, or fear of being consumed by another. When this fear is the emotional root underlying sexual repression or fear of parenthood, this essence is indicated.

Unhappiness; disconnectedness; feeling of insignificance.


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For those who are subject to shifting moods, who feel unfocused, unhappy as a result of being indecisive, uncertain and disconnected, who are absent minded and spaced-out, who feel out in the cold. This essence brings a sense of belonging, of one's significance, as well as happiness, poise, clarity, the ability to focus in the present and to make clear decisions.

Archetypal sexual shame and fear; releasing the past; pregnancy.


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This is an essence which works with clearing the past. Archetypically, the fig is connected with fear, shame and sexuality. Thus this essence is a powerful treatment for shame, fear and the resultant lack of confidence, as well as paranoia. It has the ability to assist in locating emotions hidden in the subconscious, often originating in the collective unconscious, bringing them into consciousness. Sexual fears affecting the ability to conceive and fears relating to parenthood are particularly effectively treated by this essence. Fear blocks creativity and, whether it is on a physical, emotional or spiritual level, the release of fear clears the path for the expression of the creative force, which is mankind's inherent birthright. It is beneficial to use this essence in preparation for conception and pregnancy.

The Buddha essence; beingness; gentleness; inner peace.

Flowering Cherry

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The Buddha remedy. This essence has an exquisite soul quality to it. It allows beingness and gentleness, and brings to the personality a full and rounded quality which emerges from the space of emptiness and surrender. It allows one to be true to oneself and to operate out of integrity and character. Regardless of the chaos around one, this essence facilitates inner peace and inner stillness. It facilitates exploring chaos and the unknown as a means to creating joy.

Personal authority and autonomy; positive ambition to live according to one's own values.

Flowering Gum

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For those whose sense of personal authority has been undermined by others, whose will forces have been weakened by having continuous criticism levelled at them and are therefore undecided and uncertain as to what path to follow. Such people look outside themselves for authority and direction and may be despondent and lacking in motivation. This essence brings people into their own authority, assists them in discovering their innate talents, resuscitating their own dreams and in developing true ambition, i.e., living the life they want to live, not the life their parents or society have mapped out for them.

Despair; hopelessness; depressed anger; confusion; pain

Flowering Quince

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For despair, loss of hope, depression resulting from depressed anger, for feelings of being overwhelmed by problems. For those who feel that they have been unjustly punished, resulting in confusion and pain. This essence raises the resonance, brings understanding and integration of the rage, assists in crossing the threshold from despair into joy.

Memory loss; sense of isolation; heightened spiritual awareness; for nightmares and sleep walking.


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This essence deals with memory problems on the obvious exoteric level, as well as loss of memory on the esoteric level, relating to karmic relationships and connections with the Higher Self. When there is lack of awareness of unseen relationships one can experience an unbearable sense of loneliness and isolation. This essence provides the courage to explore other dimensions, other realities and the mystical unknown. It heightens awareness of subtle energies, strengthening communication with the spiritual worlds. It also brings relief from nightmares and sleep-walking.

Grief and shock of karmic origins; dread; inexplicable fears; positive commitment to the future.


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For grief and shock of karmic origins which are inaccessible to the individual through ordinary means, for dread - the imminent threat of non-being - and fears of unknown cause, inexplicable fears, for doomers and gloomers - those who are sure that the end of the world is imminent, also for those who are easily discouraged in the face of adversity and for when the life forces are trapped in negativity. Through releasing the energy held by emotional patterns which have been beyond conscious reach, giving the courage to move through the fear, this essence brings hope and optimism about the future, a positive commitment to the planet's well-being and the ability to move forward with purpose, encouraging others to do the same.

Overwhelmed by life itself; apathy; reverence for life; desire to be of service.


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For apathy, a "what's the use" attitude, a belief that the problems are too big, feeling defeated by life itself, rather than a particular situation. This is a life-affirming essence which brings hope and joyousness, a feeling that life is worthwhile, of joy at being alive, a reverence for life and for the Planet, a desire to be of service, to take responsibility, to give of oneself, to participate with enthusiasm and zest. I can make a difference.

Suppressed anger, pain and shame; expression of deep feelings; integration of past experience.


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This essence unblocks suppressed emotions in the body - I didn't know I felt that way- and uncovers deep-seated anger, pain and shame stored in the body. It cleanses the heart chakra and the emotional body, moving energy held in the head down, through the physical body to the base chakra. It assists in the expression of deep feelings without inhibition, allowing such feelings to be brought into consciousness, understood and integrated into the life process thereby freeing passion and compassion, to be used creatively.

Transmutation of suffering; shift of focus from self to the transpersonal world; personal responsibility.


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The Christ remedy. For those who feel they need to suffer, who believe that the human condition is synonymous with suffering. This essence is about the transmutation and transcendence of pain. For most the only way to transcend pain is through the experience of it. This is one method but there is another. By channelling the incoming electromagnetic energy, which causes much destruction in the physical world, voluntarily through our bodies, we transmute it. This essence will bring swift relief from pain and shift the focus and energy away from the self to an awareness of the transpersonal world. It also awakens innate power, and allows an understanding of how this process can be achieved through taking personal responsibility for the incoming energies and for global transformation.

Subjugation of self to the will of others; breaking down of repressive attitudes; feminine sexuality and creativity.


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This essence works with the creativity and sexuality of the feminine; its energy relates to the female sacral chakra. It is for the woman who is conditioned to subjugate herself and her needs to others. It assists in the expression of suppressed female anger and strengthens and nurtures the inner feminine. Gazania is also of use in breaking down inhibitions and shifting repressive attitudes to sex. It assists the woman, who lives her life through a man or through her children, in finding, and freeing, her own power and creativity. It allows a woman to flower. This essence combines well with Pomegranate.

Vengeful or morbid thoughts; abusive and destructive relationships; integration of the shadow.

Geranium Incanum

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For a sense of brooding darkness within one which may be mirrored in the surroundings, for those who have vengeful, morbid thoughts, or who are caught in relationships which are destructive or abusive, who seem to attract enemies, threats and violence. This essence assists in the integration of the shadow, thereby freeing the enormously positive, powerful and magnetic energy which is locked within one.

Blocked or crushed creativity; lack of vitality; activation of the will; harnessing the spiritual forces.

Giant Protea

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All human beings have creative potential. Our destiny is to be cocreators with the Divine. Due to a variety of factors, such as the educational system and modern society which heap scorn and negativity upon children's creative ideas, this potential is often buried, crushed or blocked. For those who feel dull, lacking in vital forces and out of touch with their creative energy, this essence clears the chakras, simultaneously activating the will and harnessing the spiritual forces, in order to allow the free flow of creativity.

Emotional toxicity; out of touch with the physical world; overactive psychic life.


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This essence is of assistance for those who are out of touch with the physical world, who tend to over-emotionalism, irrationality or an overactive psychic life. It facilitates the integration of intuitive flashes, dreams and meditative experiences, allowing the individual to move harmoniously between different dimensions. It clears emotional toxicity from the body, and the effect of balancing the flow of emotional energy in the body can result in the spontaneous readjustment of the cranial plates.

Self-destructive or erratic behaviour patterns; substance abuse; self nurturing; clearing of the aura.


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The hangover remedy. For dullness, lack of vitality and energy due to over-indulgence or substance abuse, for self-destructive or erratic behaviour patterns. Grapevine essence revives and restores vitality, clearing the aura of accumulated negativity and emotional toxicity. It assists in healing holes in the aura, caused by the use of toxic substances. It is a catalyst which brings about a shift in consciousness, allowing a harmonious and self-nurturing pattern to be established.

Deep hurt; pain and fear relating to betrayal; developing the ability to trust; mutual trust in relationship.

Grassy Bell

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This essence works with betrayal. It is indicated for those who have issues in their lives which relate to betrayal - perhaps childhood betrayal set a pattern, which is replayed in adult life, or there may be karmic patterns relating to betrayal. Grassy Bell essence facilitates bringing these issues to consciousness, acknowledging the part one has played, integrating the lesson and healing the hurt and pain. It deals with the deep hurt and fear of betrayal, which such experiences imprint on the psyche, and allows one to develop the ability to trust again. It is of assistance in relationships, establishing a foundation on which appropriate mutual trust can grow. This essence also allows one to feel protected and guided, to become aware of the forces of love around one, to relinquish fear knowing that there is a larger plan.

Over-involvement in detail; inability to delegate or see the overall picture; excellence.

Green Pepper

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For the overly fastidious, for those whose productivity and effectiveness is undermined by their inability to see the overall picture, who get lost in the mire of mundane affairs, who become compulsive about detail and whose energy is sapped by their obsessive involvement with detail. These people have difficulty delegating and believe that, if something is to be done properly, they must do it themselves. They also tend to make mountains out of molehills. This essence allows one to step back and attain a broader perspective. It facilitates the development of skills in delegating and brings the subtle bodies into alignment, thereby enabling one to attain excellence, to be highly tuned and focused but not over-involved.

Affected by criticism; incorporation of the shadow; centering in the self.


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For those who feel judged by others or unaccountably intimidated or stymied by a person or situation, who are badly affected by criticism, easily rattled or upset by something external to themselves. This essence centres one in the Self, empowering one through the understanding that the external reality mirrors the internal reality, that the place of power is within and that, by owning and incorporating the shadow, whole realities can be turned around.

Focusing and harnessing creative abilities and energy into potent force.


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For fiery, creative individuals who have difficulty in harnessing their abilities, whose energy spills out in many directions simultaneously, without effective application and who need to learn how to concentrate and focus their skills. The passion and zest for life, which such people have, is a powerful and inspirational force. This essence helps them hone and direct it positively. It integrates the passion of the personality with the passion of the Soul, providing a potent force for utilisation in the world.

Deep pain; the desire to hurt others; sense of deprivation and alienation.


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For those who feel deprived, for a sense of alienation, separation, rejection or abandonment which results in anger, envy or jealousy. For those whose defence against pain is attack, who want to hurt and destroy others to alleviate their own pain. This is a potent essence for healing deep, hidden pain, allowing understanding of the pain into consciousness, in order that it may be transmuted.

Inner stillness; access to the sacred space within; spiritual connection; accessing magical power within; beingness.


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This essence facilitates establishing a connection with all life. It is an excellent aid to meditation allowing focus and concentration. It brings about stillness of the mind and of the emotions, enabling one to enter the sacred space within and access the magical power and wonder of the sacred realms.
Integration of incoming spiritual energies; grounding of cosmic energy; psychic protection. Hypericum

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This essence assists New Age light workers who have undertaken the assignment of grounding cosmic light on Earth. The portal is now open. Light and information in different formulations are flooding our Planet to assist in the evolution of consciousness. Hypericum flower essence enables the integration of incoming energy, it raises one's frequency so as to be able to hold the creative cosmic rays, to move beyond the boundaries of personal identity and gives the courage to live one's destiny while providing protection in the psychic and astral realms. It also assists those whose connection with the physical body needs strengthening, bringing in light and lifting the darkness of depression.

Lack of confidence; shyness; timidity; self deprecation; introversion.


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For shyness, timidity, introversion, for those who hang back in the shadows, who become tongue-tied and self-absorbed in any social situation, who are self-deprecating, whose shyness holds them back from making overtures of friendship. This essence imparts confidence and grace, eliminating painful self-consciousness and putting one at ease.

Escapism; indecisiveness; procrastination; perseverance; "follow through" ability.


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For daydreamers, for those who are spaced out and escape into a world of fantasy to avoid dealing with the present, for those who are intelligent and capable but suffer from indecisiveness and lack follow through ability, who fuss, procrastinate and look for excuses. This essence brings poise, centredness and the focus and determination that is required to successfully complete a project or bring it into physical manifestation.

Nurturing; parenting; post-natal depression; nurturing of inner child.


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This is a parenting essence, enhancing the ability to nurture while providing the feeling of being nurtured. The image of encircling arms - caring and protecting - fits this essence. It facilitates confidence in one's nurturing abilities and trust in one's intuitive guidance, developing the nurturing abilities needed by parents. It is also valuable for providing the inner child with a sense of being nurtured and useful for post-natal depression and for fathers.

Panic; hysteria; insomnia; soothing; calming.


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For hysteria, panic, over-excitement, over-stimulation and insomnia as a result of being keyed up. This essence establishes emotional balance, calming, soothing and centring one in the physical body. It also balances the crown chakra with the heart chakra and facilitates contact with the Higher Self and the spiritual realms.

Disallowed anger in women; sexual imbalance; female power.


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For disallowed anger in women. This is an especially important remedy for women in whom this anger manifests as disturbances in the sexual and reproductive organs. It is also important for women who tend to either of the polarities of promiscuity, which degrades and lowers the resonance, or sexual prudishness, which denies an important aspect of the Self and prevents one from becoming whole. This essence assists one in focusing the anger and in coming to terms with the power of femininity and sexuality.

Apathy; withdrawal; martyrdom; resignation; assists in incarnation process.


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For those who experience fear and anxiety when faced with the demands of life and seek to escape by avoiding participation in the life process and withdrawing - perhaps sleeping excessively, refraining from eating correctly, so that they are physically unable to meet the expectations of others, or retreating into emotional disorders, which protect them from everyday life. Symptoms such as apathy, resignation, or perhaps an inability to activate the will are indications for its use. This essence assists in incarnating the forces of the personality, in taking hold of the life process and in willingly undertaking responsibility. It is very beneficial for adolescents, as well as for the treatment of the emotions which lie behind anorexia.

Alignment of chakra energy; contact with Soul and Spirit; ineffable joy; meditation.


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Known as the Master Essence, this is an exceptionally powerful flower essence which works predominantly on the crown chakra; it also harmonises and aligns all the other energy centres. It brings a true sense of humility and assists in counteracting the effects of the negative ego and in incorporating the shadow. The thousand-petalled Lotus of ancient religions symbolises the enlightenment which this essence facilitates through contact with the Higher Self and Soul. Its use brings ineffable joy, allowing one to access one's destiny and find the treasures of one's Real Self and of one's Soul and Spirit.

Exponential understanding of life purpose; sensitivity; spiritual attunement.

Maidenhair Fern

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This essence imparts the ability to see the meaning which lies behind choices and decisions made, patterns and events one manifests in the course of life, and to appreciate the Soul's purpose. It introduces a quality of fine sensitivity which changes the vibration, lifting the resonance and enabling directional changes in the life path to be undertaken. It facilitates hearing the still, small voice within and turning to it for inner guidance, rather than depending on external support.

Inability to express warmth; personal inadequacy; universal love; compassion; empathy.


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The keynote of this essence is love. It brings a universal Christ-like love, compassion for and empathy with human suffering, and commitment to the planet. It facilitates spiritual growth and awareness, clearing blockages in the upper chakras, particularly the throat, and stimulating the pituitary, pineal and thymus glands. Its use is also indicated when there is an inability to express warmth and feelings of love, and also when there is a lack of the ability to distinguish between real love, and the merging with another which arises out of personal inadequacy.

Workaholism; excessive use of the will; balance of physical and personality forces.


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For those who burn the candle at both ends, who use willpower to drive themselves to the point of physical depletion especially when they have a particular goal they want to achieve, for workaholics. This essence harmonises and balances creative energy and life force. During periods of physical growth, it brings balance between the physical and personality forces. Maple essence brings containment, without stricture, of the powerful incoming energies. It is particularly good for adolescents.

Scepticism; focused in the logical, rational mind and linear thinking; aggression; argumentativeness.


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For those who are focused in the physical, dismissive of anything other than provable scientific fact, logic and deductive reasoning, who are materialistically oriented and sceptical, who respond aggressively out of fear when presented with anything which goes beyond the five senses, becoming argumentative and vitriolic. This essence stimulates right brain function, lessening the emphasis on concrete proof, strengthening the intuition and enhancing the qualities of communication and receptivity. It is of assistance in opening to the possibility of other realities, in bringing an awareness of other worlds, beyond the limits of the logical mind, to be explored.

Male confidence and autonomy; expansion of masculine energy.

Mock Orange

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With the awakening feminine consciousness, men are confronted with challenges they have never previously had to face - to be male and balance female energy, without overpowering it, requires particular inner strength. This essence is the confidence remedy for the suppressed male or inner male, for the man who feels castrated or who lives in his father's shadow. It brings the male into his own autonomy, enabling him to move forward with confidence. It allows the expansion of masculine energy while simultaneously bringing through its purity and strength.

Imbalance in patterns of waking and sleeping; substance abuse; meditation.

Morning Glory

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This essence brings harmony and balance between waking and sleeping patterns, particularly for those who have trouble going to sleep or waking up. It is also for those who are prone to addictive behaviour of any sort, who use drugs as a means of escape or who are dependent upon stimulants for energy to get them through the day. It aligns the natural energy of the body, strengthens the will and brings serenity. It is also an aid to meditation.

Refusal to grow up; rebelliousness; avoidance of responsibility and commitment

Mountain Cabbage Tree

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For those who refuse to grow up, who are adult in years but not in attitude, who rebel or cling to their childhood or adolescence, refusing to mature, take responsibility or pull their weight, who are unable to accept that work and commitment are part of being adult. Such people often continue to use the jargon of their earlier years and have erratic or irresponsible behaviour or work patterns. The responsibilities and commitments of adulthood and parenthood are avoided. They may see themselves as their parents' little girl or little boy and in relationships tend to project parent onto their partner, replaying childhood or adolescent patterns. This essence works by facilitating awareness and perspective. By recognising what is happening and bringing it into consciousness, it is possible to change, grow, mature and take responsibility willingly.

Insensitivity to others; self-absorbtion; selfishness; negative ego; healing ability; telepathy.

Mountain Dahlia

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For those who are insensitive and blind to the suffering of others, who are self-absorbed, sealed off in a world of their own. This flower essence imparts the ability to truly see others, refining sensitivity and intuitive abilities, developing empathy and compassion. It is a valuable tool for relationships. It heightens sensitivity to the feeling of others, bringing through the Soul forces, counteracting the negative ego and enhancing the ability to heal and to care for others. It also improves telepathic abilities.

Profound or existential pain; suicidal tendencies; loneliness.

Mountain Rose

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For suicidal tendencies, intense loneliness or profound, existential pain. Such pain can carry one beyond the limits of the personality. This essence shifts the focus of consciousness from the lower self to the Higher Self. It allows joy through to break the pattern of fear and pain, introducing a new pattern of response and providing a gateway to a future filled with luminous vision.

Overemphasis on the intellect; mental strain through study or overwork.


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For overemphasis on the intellect, for the treatment of mental strain sustained through study or overwork. This essence brings balance between the head chakras and the lower chakras. For those who tend to be overly in their heads, this remedy will bring them more fully into their physical bodies, putting them in touch with the vitality and warmth of the first, second and third chakras, thereby expanding and spreading the energy.

Feeling of undeservability and separation; numbing of emotions; self-destructive behaviour; abuse of tobacco.


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For those who feel cut off and alienated from the Earth, who feel unworthy and undeserving and consequently develop destructive patterns of behaviour, not caring whether they damage themselves and similarly not caring if the Earth herself is damaged. This "what do I care" attitude comes from a place of separation, isolation and pain - the type of feeling which the use of tobacco numbs. This essence lessens emotional pain by reinforcing the link with the Earth, opening the heart chakra and instilling a sense of wholeness. It has a primary use in breaking the emotional addiction to tobacco, which makes the physical addiction much easier to heal.

Stabilisation after divorce, loss of loved one, trauma or shock; surgical procedures; connection to one's roots.


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For people who have been uprooted in some way, whether it be physically or emotionally - who have been through divorce, death, immigration, moved from one city to another, even for travellers or for anyone who feels temporarily out of touch with their roots. This essence gives a sense of rootedness, of connection to one's roots. It helps the body stabilise after trauma or shock. It is also recommended for use before and after surgical procedures.

Emotional tension; overcharged emotions; hysteria; possession; heals holes in aura.


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For overwhelming emotional tension or hysteria. This essence cools and calms heated and overcharged emotions in order that they may be examined. It is of assistance in obsessive relationships where it is impossible for the parties to be objective. This essence brings about level-headedness and emotional clarity. It helps heal holes in the aura and is beneficial in treating cases of possession.

Archetypal fear; shock; panic; fear of annihilation; dread; terror - grounds and centres.

Orange Pincushion

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For shock, trauma, panic, for archetypal fear, fear of annihilation or terror - the origin of the fear can be actual, or unfounded and irrational. The source is immaterial. This essence assists in grounding and centring one and brings courage, tranquillity and peace. For all emergencies and also for nightmares. For bereavement.

Cruelty; ruthlessness; self centeredness; unaware of impact on others; ability to inspire and lead.

Orange Watsonia

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For the strong aggressive individual who is a know all, self- centred, possibly cruel and lacking in compassion, who does not consider others or care about the impact on others' feelings and who overrides others ruthlessly, who can be tyrannical. This essence has a softening and sensitising effect, facilitating insight and awareness of one's impact, enabling one to take responsibility for the consequences of one's words and actions, allowing transformation, while bringing out the qualities which enable one to inspire, guide and lead others.

Grace; ease; ability to be oneself without pretense; gives confidence.


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This is the essence of grace. It endows the ability to be who one is, at ease as oneself, without pretense or posturing, thereby allowing others to be themselves in one's presence. It is an essence which gives confidence, but grace is more than confidence: it is a gift which graces all who encounter it.

Polarities of inferiority and self-importance; lack of self- worth; arrogance


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For those who cover an inferiority complex and self-hatred with an apparent inflated sense of their own self-importance and superiority, who can be arrogant and over-bearing with others. This flower essence allows the armour to be set aside and brings self-worth, humility, an awareness of the all-encompassing love and of everyone's importance as part of the whole.

Jealousy; resentment; holding of grudges; suspiciousness

Painted Lady

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For those who are jealous, who blame, hold grudges, who are unforgiving and suspicious of others, who are embittered, resentful and angry. This is the type of
emotion that leads to arthritis, hardening of the body and strokes as one hardens one's heart to the love in the world. This transformative flower essence dissolves the stored poisons and allows forgiveness, joy and unconditional love to flow into the heart.

Thin-skinned; sensitive to criticism; overly vulnerable; fear of opening up.


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For those who are emotionally thin-skinned and overly vulnerable, who take criticism to heart, who are sensitive to disapproval and consequently afraid of opening up to others. This essence strengthens the sense of self, developing an ability to protect the self, without being defensive. It brings warmth, understanding of and compassion for the self. It also works with strengthening the intuition.

Perfectionism; self-criticism; self denial; negative ego; self forgiveness.


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For perfectionism, for those who force themselves to live according to their own high standards, who are self-critical and deny themselves life's pleasures. This essence facilitates self-forgiveness, bringing tolerance, spontaneity and expansiveness, allowing a connection with the gentle, nurturing qualities of the Soul.

Melancholy; effects of past trauma; fear of pain; contraction of aura; clearing of blockages in subtle bodies.


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For the melancholic personality, for deep-seated melancholy, for the effects of past trauma or grief which continue to affect the present, for those who contract the aura defensively fearing pain. This essence has wonderfully restorative, soothing, healing qualities. It allows one to expand one's energy field and draw in vibrant energies which lift the resonance pattern and facilitate dealing with shock and disturbances lodged in the subtle bodies.

Loneliness; isolation; alienation; brings sense of oneness.


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For those who feel lonely, isolated and alienated, who do not know how to bridge the gap, who feel cut off from others, desperately alone in the world and separated from their Soul and Spirit. This essence eases the pain, bringing a sense of oneness, of peace and joy. It allows one to change and to attract meaningful relationships. It is also an aid to meditation, to integrating the conscious and unconscious, and is of assistance in the utilisation of dreams.

"The Sword in the Heart"; adolescent wounding; shattering of ideals; cynicism; healing of heart chakra.


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The image associated with this flower essence is that of the sword in the heart. The original wounding which everyone goes through, usually in adolescence, which is essential for development but is painful beyond words, is the main area that it addresses. This wounding is replayed in different circumstances throughout life, presenting the opportunity for healing. This remedy is especially helpful at such times. It is also indicated for the wounding of the female by the male, whether it be inner or outer female or male, and for shattering of ideals which results in cynicism. It is these blows to the heart which result in so many keeping their heart chakras closed. Use of this essence allows the healing of the heart, easing the constriction and opening the heart chakra. It gives the strength necessary to integrate the pain, restore ideals and the courage to explore and expand the self, welcoming challenge and reaching beyond the threshold to establish new forms and patterns for living.

Inspiration; visualisation; creative dreaming abilities; for mapmakers.


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For creative visualisation and inspiration, for the dreamweavers. This essence allows the realisation that if you can dream it, you can have it. It brings a sense of wonder, puts dreams within reach, imparts the ability to dream the future, ponder the possibilities of optimal futures, bringing an inner knowing that there are no limits and that everything is possible in a self-generated reality.

Self-chastisement; self-blame; self-criticism; remorse; guilt.


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For self-blame, self-criticism, self-condemnation, self- chastisement and guilt, for those who persist in feeling responsible whether appropriate or not, who are never content with self. This essence allows one to listen to inner guidance and live one's life in tune with the Higher Self, thereby releasing guilt and freeing oneself from self-persecution, confident in the knowledge that right action is for the benefit of all.

Self-deception; insincerity of motive; confused or conflicting motivation; facilitates impeccability.

Pink Bell Heather

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Where inner intent and motivation are at variance with the outward intent or deed, this essence is of assistance. When self-deception, lack of sincerity of motive, or conflicting or confused thoughts and feelings motivate outer actions, this essence assists in cutting through the deception, allowing one to act with impeccability, to develop principles, bringing through purity of purpose and the truth of the Higher Self.

Feeling dissipated; living one's life according to the opinions of others; finding one's centre, clarity and focus; establishing boundaries.

Pink Watsonia

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This essence stills the mind, brings clarity and focus when one feels dissipated and pulled in all directions simultaneously. For those who are unable to say no or establish boundaries with others, who lives their lives doing what others think they should. It assists in discovering what is important for self-fulfilment, centring one and creating inner space where one's personal dreams and positive ambitions may be discovered.

Feeling of undeservability; unwillingness to receive; clearing of the past; breaking of karmic patterns.


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For those who believe they are undeserving and therefore refuse to allow themselves to receive. For those who will always give but feel unworthy or beholden if they receive. This essence clears the past so that one can be fully in the present. It breaks karmic patterns and brings a willingness to receive the love and to reap the benefits and rewards.

Shame; undeservability; lack of trust in one's own judgement; subjugation to the will of others.


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Everyone has feelings of shame. This essence is for the shame that translates into low self-esteem and undeservability, for those who are apologetic about their very existence, who blame themselves and thus feel that they must subjugate themselves to the wishes and desires of others, seeking to please, allowing themselves to be bullied or easily led and influenced because they cannot trust their own judgement. It assists in putting one in touch with the integrity and strength of the true Self, allowing one to trust in one's intuition and inner guidance. A good remedy for adolescents.

Striving to be 'superwoman'; feminine identity and creativity; yin/yang balance; puberty; pregnancy; menopause.


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One of the primary remedies for balancing the inner female with the inner male, this essence can be used in conjunction with Sunflower. It assists in balancing career and home demands and helps establish feminine identity, freeing surges of feminine creativity. Pomegranate is of particular assistance to the modern woman who strives to be superwoman. It is also of use in puberty, pregnancy, menopause and for sexual issues or anything relating to the feminine, procreative forces.

Avoidance and fear of vulnerability; fear of rejection; shame; courage to risk emotional contact.

Pompom Tree

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For those who avoid intimate relationships and friendships for fear that, were others to know them, they would discover the terrible truth, whose fear of rejection, based on past life or childhood trauma, is so intense that they hide their feelings and needs behind a front of self-sufficiency and never allow anyone close to them, who suffer from a profound sense of shame and a terror of vulnerability. This essence gives one the courage to risk emotional contact, to allow others in, to heal and to rejoin the human family.

Inner child shock and fear; trying to earn love; need to be perfect.

Red Camellia

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Like the camellia bloom, children bruise easily. The bruising is indicative of the sensitivity of the inner child. This essence works with the child within, easing childhood shock and fear. It relates to the base chakra and assists the individual in dealing with the childhood need to be perfect in order to be loved. It assists in contacting the inner child, allowing healing of its fears and hurts. Further, it enables the adult to love the child thereby facilitating access to the magical child within.

Hypochondria; control and punishment of others; self pity; shame; sense of self-worth.

Red Erica

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For hypochondria, for those who manifest physical ailments on an ongoing basis out of a need to control and keep others bound to them, punishing themselves with physical suffering in the process, for self-inflicted pain and for psychosomatic illnesses which are aimed at holding the energy and attention of others. This essence allows healing of the shame which lies at the root of this pattern of behaviour and brings a sense of self-worth and self- sufficiency. It allows one to feel grounded and supported by the Earth.

For treatment of physical, emotional or mental abuse resulting in emotional withdrawal.

Red Hot Poker

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For those who have been abused physically, emotionally or mentally and in whom this abuse has resulted in the inability to feel. Where the door has been slammed on open communication, trust and the warm interchange that occurs between individuals, where the ability to reach out to others is absent and where one has retreated to some cold fortress deep within oneself. This essence breaks down the barriers and opens one up to warmth and caring from others so that healing can occur.

Rigidity; obstinacy; dogmatism; refusal to change; holding onto the past; repetition of patterns.


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For obstinacy, dogmatism, refusal to change, rigidity, holding on to the past. For those who believe that there is only one way of doing things, for the over-conservative, for those who continuously repeat patterns of the past in their lives. This essence enables one to see what is really happening in a situation, to trust the process and to make growth choices in one's life as opposed to fear choices.

Pride; elitism; prejudice; negative ego; integration of shadow; humility.


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For those who are strongly in their negative egos, who have a deep need to appear important to others and in whom this manifests as pride, elitism, a sense of better than and superiority, as well as prejudice and discrimination against others who are different to them, whether it be racial, religious or other differences. This essence allows one perspective on the self, and access to the Real Self, to assist in handling the negative ego. It facilitates self-love, humility and the integration of the shadow.

Forgetfulness; emotional coldness; assists in incarnation process.


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This essence assists the incarnation process. Sometimes souls are reluctant to return to the physical, perhaps owing to painful experiences here in previous incarnations. This can result in withdrawal, forgetfulness, disorientation, physical and emotional coldness, as well as one not being fully integrated into the physical body. Rosemary flower essence allows one to feel secure and comfortable in the body, bringing warmth, peace and serenity.

Core issues relating to masculinity in today's world; yin/yang balance; integration of polarities.

Sausage Tree

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This essence addresses the core issues relating to masculinity and what it is to be male in the New Age. It allows one to access and develop masculine identity and facilitates the integration of polarities, of gentleness and sensitivity with strength; beingness with achievement. It is a valuable essence for both men and women.

Domination; self-importance; a need to be right; facilitates working together for the common good.


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For those who dominate, insist on having their own way, are self-important and demand excessive recognition. This essence assists in overcoming a need to be right, to be looked up to and have one's status recognised or to dominate others. It assists one in disarming the negative ego, in laying aside self-importance and a need for self-aggrandisement. Scilla essence enables one to integrate one's personal needs into the good of the whole, creating overall harmony and working with others for the common good.

Fear of aging; perpetual pursuit of youth; failure to recognise dignity and grace of mature beauty.


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For fear of the aging process, perpetual pursuit of youth, a belief that age brings redundancy, that youth has more value, a failure to recognise mature beauty. This essence allows the transition to occur gracefully, brings an awareness of the importance and value of experience and maturity, of the rightful role of senior members of a community providing wisdom and balance, with dignity. It enables individuals to move into their full power - the wise woman or wise man role. It is also beneficial for those going through menopause.

Making the whole holy; integration of matter and spirit; holographic understanding of reality.

Shasta Daisy

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With its connections with the sacred, spiritual Mount Shasta, this flower essence has a spiritualising quality, allowing exponential expansion of consciousness and assisting in making the whole holy. It facilitates the synthesis of information, giving an overview and a wider perspective. It is of particular assistance in integrating the lower self with the Higher Self and in bringing a sense of wholeness and spiritual identity. Its use brings a balance between the analytical mind and the higher mind and allows one to establish new forms and patterns based on a holographic understanding of reality.

The female warrior; illumination from within; re-emerging Goddess energy.


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This flower essence carries the archetypal image of St Joan of Arc. It is linked with female energy, the moon and Sirius. It is the face of the female warrior who fights for right, who brings light into darkness, who is illumined from within, attuned to the spiritual realms, and whose strength, virtue and moral courage bring protection and inspiration to those around her. It is a powerful essence and, with the re-emerging of the Goddess energy, has an important part to play in strengthening, inspiring and protecting those who feel drawn to use it.

Misdirected sexual energy resulting in verbal aggression, cruelty and sarcasm.


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For those with a strong sexual drive who misdirect this energy into verbal aggression, who can be cuttingly cruel, vindictively critical, sarcastic and very destructive to those around them. The signature of this flower is apparent in its association with the jaw. Those who hold tension in the jaw, who have to bite back sharp retorts or who grind their teeth, will benefit from this essence. It balances the energy between the sacral and throat chakras, thereby allowing harmonious verbal expression and freeing creative energy to be directed into positive channels.

Repetitive thought patterns; insomnia; agitation; worry.


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For thoughts that go round and round in one's mind, like a hamster on a treadmill, not working towards resolution, but stuck in a repetitive pattern, conversations and episodes being continuously replayed and argued or churning thoughts, that cause insomnia and disrupt constructive activity. This essence will break the repetitive pattern which locks mental energy into non-productive activity, allowing creative energy through, clearing the mind, calming the agitation or worry and bringing inner peace. It is also useful for clearing the mind for meditation.

Self aggrandisement; emotional neediness; attention seeking; domination of others.

Sour Fig

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For those who feel unloved and therefore inflate their life experiences in order to appear special and extraordinary to others as well as to themselves. Whether it be an incident in the traffic or a psychic or spiritual experience, they will extract as much mileage from it as possible, exaggerating and expanding the experience in order to hold and captivate their audience. They are greedy for attention and seek to control and keep the focus of others on them through self-aggrandisement. They sap others' energy and are emotionally needy and demanding, desperate to be the centre of attention. They often believe that they are especially spiritually evolved. This essence brings a sense of belonging and self-acceptance, an ability to listen to others, to perceive the love and care and to feel close to others, without needing to dominate.

Facilitation of learning and assimilation; integration of knowledge; useful for exams.

Spur Flower

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The learning essence. It facilitates the assimilation of facts while bringing an eagerness and enjoyment of knowledge. It harmonises, organises and calms the mind, allowing the integration of information. Spur Flower also allows one to know that all wisdom is available and to ask for help in accessing it. This essence is useful for students, particularly at examination times.

Personal adversity and turmoil; fortitude in confronting fears.


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For those who need inner strength to face their daily lives, for turmoil or personal adversity, for confronting everyday fears and worries and facing challenges. This essence brings fortitude and courage.

Indecisiveness; procrastination; "stuckness"; self doubt; lack of personal power; fear of future; strengthens visualisation abilities.

(also called Bird of Paradise)

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The visionary essence. For feeling stuck, for indecisiveness, vacillation, dithering, endless deliberation, feeling torn between two possibilities, unable to make choices, for procrastination, fear of the future, feeling powerless to decide and doubting one's own ability. This essence stimulates the will forces, bringing clarity of purpose, conviction, an inner knowing, boldness - cutting through indecision and stagnation. It imparts the ability to stay with the polarities of paradox and find resolution, to hold the vision with intent and focus, discover one's destiny and bring about manifestation.

Inner child abandonment issues; lack of sweetness; repressed childhood longings.

Sugar Bush Protea

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One of the inner child essences. Where there are abandonment or estrangement issues from childhood resulting in mistrust and an emptiness, this essence is of assistance. For those whose lives have lost their sweetness. It assists one in accepting the pain, moving forward, letting go of the past, and in becoming a fully engaged adult. Sugar Bush Protea essence helps in the fulfillment of repressed childhood longings and the resuscitation of childhood dreams, restoring meaning and bringing a sense of fulfilment and peace.

Need for validation; co-dependency; lack of self-worth; personal inadequacy.


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For possessiveness arising out of neediness, inadequacy, a dependence upon others or a particular other, to validate one's very existence. For a sense of not being good enough, for those who draw energy from others, such as a partner, in order to have the courage to present themselves to the world. This is frequently the case in co-dependent relationships where both partners' need for each other, regardless of how they cover it up, arises out of an abyss of personal inadequacy. It may manifest as control or servitude but has the same root. This essence facilitates an honouring of the Self, the development of self-worth and self-esteem that liberates one to become a self- actuated, loving human being, able to give loved ones the space and freedom necessary for their own evolution.

Threatened masculine energy; balances inner-male aspect; radiance of male energy.


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This is a very important essence. The swing of the pendulum is causing much emphasis to be placed on feminine energy. This can threaten the inner male in both men and women. This essence brings in the radiance of the sun, the astrological symbol of the masculine energy. It strengthens male energy and the inner male, bringing about balance with the inner female - yin/yang balance. It enhances self-esteem, while bringing in warmth and compassion. Sunflower essence also facilitates the healing of the inner child's relationship with the father, as well as improving the ability to father.

Excessive intensity and fervor, over-aroused passion and ardor.


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For over-aroused passion, for those who are passionate, fiery and intense to the point where their own physical forces are burnt up, destroyed by their intensity, their physical and emotional resources depleted, who do not know how to balance or pace their energy. This essence enables one to contain the extremes of one's fervor and ardour, where appropriate, and to direct this energy into a passion for life itself, inspiring others with enthusiasm, without overwhelming them.

Lack of personal space; sense of not belonging; need for peace and stillness.


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For those who are subjected to intense pressure in their working environments or family life, who need a still, calm place to which to retreat, whose sanity feels threatened by the continuous activity around them. It is also for those who feel somehow misplaced, that they do not belong, who have a longing to be part of something that fits them, that feels right. This essence facilitates one finding inner peace, one's place on the planet, one's own path, and then committing to it.

Facilitates communication with subconscious mind; understanding and remembering dreams; access to other dimensions; "time is an illusion".


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This essence enhances receptivity and facilitates experiences that take one beyond the threshold of physical reality into experiences of multi-dimensional awareness, developing the capacity to awaken to other levels of consciousness. It enables one to retain awareness of night dreams and integrate messages from the subconscious received in this way, as well as being of assistance when one consciously desires to give messages to the subconscious mind. This essence is also useful in the therapy process, or in past life regressions where one is seeking to access experience from different times. The pronunciation of thyme and time is not coincidental and in any situation where one seeks to transcend the limitations of time and space, this essence can be used. It is a good addition to many of the other essences.

Awakening of the "Wise Woman"; awareness of dignity and usefulness of the crone; revelation of inner purpose.

Tiger Lily

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At times of menopause, women can find themselves dealing with unresolved polarities in their lives. A lessening of the female hormones, which suppress the male hormones in the body, brings up issues of the yin/yang, female/male balance of energies. This transition from the mother/ nurturer to the wise woman is not always easy. There can be the subtle implication, reinforced, perhaps, by the woman's own feelings, that when she no longer menstruates she has outlived her usefulness. This essence allows one's destiny and the Soul's longing to be revealed. It facilitates the awakening of the Self to the new life purpose, to the powerful roles she can play as a responsible and respected member of the community, bringing a wealth of feminine wisdom and experience to bear in community life. It is also generally indicated for any situation where masculine energy predominates and feminine energy is needed to counterbalance it.

Shattering of negative vibrational patterns; establishment of higher and new resonance.


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This essence is valuable in that it shatters existing negative patterns of vibratory energy in the body, which can cause disease, and gives the opportunity to establish new and more positive patterns of resonance. It also strengthens the immune system.

Inhibition; prohibitions imposed on women by patriarchal or chauvinistic society.


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This is essentially a female remedy. It is of assistance when the will is at variance with the expression of self. For inhibition - don't touch me - for when one has shut down and blocked the expression of who one is. This essence works on areas where one has been prohibited and bound by the ideologies of a patriarchal or chauvinistic society, alleviating restrictions and images which have been externally imposed and within which one lives. This remedy will gently break the patriarchal bonds. It also breaks down blockages between the third eye and the throat chakras.

Vulnerability hidden by defensiveness; dissatisfaction; restlessness; perpetual activity.

Tulip Magnolia

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For those who are overly self-protective and defensive and who hide their vulnerability beneath a harsh exterior, who are restless and dissatisfied with life, frustrated or uncertain as to what path to follow, often bored. This essence brings emotional openness, the ability to trust and to open to others, one's unseen guides and the life process. Such openness facilitates allowing guidance and direction from the Soul. It helps determine priorities, brings contentment and fulfilment.

Excessive mental energy; perfectionism; cold patronizing behaviour; sense of superiority.



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For those who are highly strung, intensely focused in the intellect, who have excessive mental energy, who are often perfectionistic and critical of anything which does not measure up to their own high standards, who feel superior to others because of their superior intellect and can be cold, brittle and patronising. This essence works to balance and harmonise the energy between the mental and emotional bodies, it softens the cutting edge of the intellect, bringing through the Soul qualities of gentleness and tolerance. It also allows one to develop clarity and purpose in relation to one's life work, thereby harnessing and directing the excessive mental energy into useful and productive channels.

Manipulation and punishing of others through victimhood, martyrdom and self-pity; power over others through dependence.


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For those who subtly manipulate, dominate and punish through playing victim or martyr, who cling, acting helpless, while holding the power, or who do things for others, appearing to be loving, but actually seeking to exercise power through keeping those they serve dependent upon them. For co- dependency and self-pity. Often there is an unconsciousness of motive and a denial of emotions. This essence enables one to love selflessly and empower others.

Despair; shock; intense fear; traumatization; refusal to accept the inevitable; self destruction.


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Use of this essence draws energy into the energy field and thereby brings rapid relief from shock, intense fear, and despair, calming the nervous system. This essence deals with the head bashing type of despair in which one refuses to accept the inevitable and becomes self-destructive, unless one is able to open to the Higher Self and cross the threshold into a new way of being. This essence is also useful for the child, inner or outer, who has been traumatised.

Numbing of emotions, emotional repression of pain; mask of indifference; sense of connectedness.

Water Lily

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This essence relates to the heart. It is indicated for those who cope with pain and deep emotions by numbing themselves to feelings, who hide behind a mask of indifference, for those who handle stress by refusing to react, by denying what is happening. It allows vulnerability, contact with real, previously hidden, emotions and a feeling of being connected to others.

Negative expectation; pessimism; discouragement. 


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This essence harnesses the power of expectation. For those who use the power of expectation negatively, who are melancholic, unable to see the joy in life, discouraged, who lack hope and who continually expect the worst to occur, who enjoy focusing on the negativity of the past. This essence allows the sunlight to break through the dark clouds of pessimism, bringing one into touch with the joy and harmony of the cosmos and allowing one to use the enormously positive potential of expectation in one's life to create the reality one wants

Lack of focus and unreliability as a result of self pity and suppressed anger; irresponsibility

White Geranium

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For those who are self-pitying, who feel done down by life and respond by suppressing anger and escaping into a fantasy world of daydreams, who become unfocused, forgetful, unreliable and irresponsible. Although they are not consciously aware of their anger, they effectively punish those around them. This is a joyous essence which brings a sense of aliveness, exhilaration and enchantment. It clears blockages around the heart chakra, stimulates the thymus gland and lifts energy through the throat to the third eye and crown chakras. It heightens mental focus, brings clarity to the mind, disperses resistance and facilitates involvement and commitment to life.

[no photo]

Caffeine addiction; dulling of the mind.

Wild Coffee

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This essence lifts the resonance of caffeine in the body and thereby works to nullify harmful effects it may have. Its use clears the blockages in the energy field, caused by caffeine, which can reduce the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines, flower or gem essences. It assists in breaking addiction to caffeine - whether the source be coffee, tea, chocolate or cola. This essence also stimulates, and sharpens, the mind.

Lack of willpower; avoidance of pain; addictive behaviour patterns.

Wild Dagga

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For those who lack willpower, who are easily influenced, who seek pleasure to fill the emptiness, who run away from painful situations and who are prone to addictive behaviour patterns or substance abuse. This flower essence assists in bringing meaning, purpose and strength of character. This is a good remedy for emotional pain.

Death and dying; terminations; closing of chapters; useful for hospice work.

Wild Gardenia

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This flower essence is for death and dying. It can also be used at times when it is appropriate for an aspect of the self to die or for when a chapter of one's life is ending. For those who fear terminations and who hold on tenaciously in the face of pain and disability, resisting the unknown, it brings contact with the Soul and Spirit, allowing trust in the flow and surrender to the All That Is, peace and a graceful transition. It is an invaluable aid for hospice work.

Auric protection against negative thought forms or psychic attack.

Wild Garlic

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This essence protects the auric field. The efficacy of this protection ranges from insects to psychic attackers or psychic vampires, who drain energy from others. Negative thoughtforms are repelled and the immune system is strengthened. Fear, low immunity to disease, lack of vital energy and lack of willpower are all indications that this essence may be needed. It facilitates feelings of safety, wholeness and courage.

Abusive or violent behaviour; keeping a grip on oneself; fear of one's ability to be violent; dogmatic attitudes.

Wild Ginger

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For those who are prone to violent or abusive behaviour, for those who keep themselves under strict control, who resort to dogmatic views as a defence against an urge, whether conscious or unconscious, to violence. Many have an innate fear of their own potential violence. Mothers know the pitch of exhaustion and desperation to which they can be driven by infants or toddlers in a nuclear society where they are unnaturally isolated. Modern life sometimes causes unbearable stress which can force violent emotions to erupt to the surface. While such urges are judged, feared and denied, they will continue to exist in the dark recesses of the personality or be projected outward to manifest through others in one's reality. This essence facilitates the owning and acceptance of these aspects of the self, drawing them out of shadow consciousness, and allowing them to be transmuted.

Frustrated; overwhelmed by demands of daily life; out of touch with creativity; awareness of goodness, truth, and beauty.

Wild Iris

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For those who are frustrated, bowed down by the demands of daily life and the material world, out of touch with their creativity, who find the idea that we create our own reality so frightening that it must be rejected. We are all creators who create the vision, which we then manifest. We hold the power to change the vision, to paint the picture of the future as we wish it to be and to bring it into physical manifestation. This essence allows the free flow of inspiration, raising the level of consciousness to one of beauty and hope, empowering one to become the visionary and the dream-weaver, filled with joyful energy, creativity and anticipation.

Separation; alienation; self love; self esteem.

Wild Jasmine

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This is a highly spiritualising essence which works through the heart chakra, awakening the sense of self-love which is essential for a relationship with the Higher Self and the spiritual realms. Many people are so lacking in self-esteem and self-love that they cannot conceive that they are lovable and loved and, therefore, concentrate on their failings, feeling separated and alienated from the spiritual worlds. This essence is a powerful aid in shifting these blockages and provides a bridge whereby one may cross to a new way of being.

Bitterness; cynicism; holding of grudges; congestion of negative emotions.

Wild Pear

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For bitterness, cynicism, resentment, the inability to forgive, for those who hold grudges. This essence allows a free flow of healing energy to clear the congested negative emotions, facilitate forgiveness, acceptance and integration of the past. It enables one to experience the knowing that all is within one, that by refusing to forgive others one harms oneself more than anyone else and to perceive oneself as part of the whole.

Strengthening the will; clearing of accumulated negativity and psychic contamination in aura; energising the aura.

Wild Sage

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This essence is of assistance to those who have been in discordant situations or have activated anger and hostility in others resulting in negative thoughtforms being directed at them, for those who are prone to absorbing negativity from others or whose auras are psychically contaminated. It is also indicated for cases of possession. Those who are ill, who have low vitality, are reluctant to incarnate, have undergone general anaesthetic or have been unseated in their physical bodies by some other event, can have other entities compete with them for control of their bodies. Sage flower essence aligns the subtle bodies, thereby energising the aura, and draws in the will forces, enabling one to draw on spiritual strength, move into the body and take back one's power. It can be effectively used in combination with Yarrow.

Lack of equality in relationships; traumatisation due to sexual abuse; imbalance between male and female sexual needs.


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This essence strengthens and stimulates the meridians and balances the etheric, emotional and mental bodies. It also deals with sexual problems and relationships that have a sexual component. Where there is an imbalance in the equality of partners in a sexual relationship, this essence assists in harmonising and balancing. It is of benefit to men who are out of touch with their feminine side, who see sex as their male right and are insensitive to their partner's needs. It is of particular use in awakening female sexuality, for women who dislike physical contact, feel shame about their sexual organs or have been traumatised by sexual exploitation or rape.

Protection against negative thought forms and psychic attack; sealing of the aura.


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As a flower essence, Yarrow strengthens and stimulates the integrity of the aura. The ingestion of the essence enables the aura to disrupt radiation waves and provides protection against negative thoughtforms and psychic attack. It is an important essence in that it assists in bringing in, and stabilising, light in the chakras.

Fear of loss of control; fear of deprivation; fear of the unknown; being supported by love

Yellow Pincushion

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For those who fear the loss of control in their lives. Such people may keep a tight rein on themselves, as well as seeking to control others or circumstances. They may control from a fear of the unknown, clinging to the known, or from the sheer lust for power over others. It is also for those who fear being deprived of love and therefore try to control it and its source. This essence brings a trust in the flow of life, allowing one to let go and feel the safety and security, as well as the support of the all- encompassing love.

Facilitates the emergence of leadership qualities; guards against abuse of authority and self-importance


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This essence is for the leader. It allows the emergence of the positive qualities of leadership - the directedness and focus, the enthusiasm, the ability to inspire others, the charisma and willingness to take responsibility joyfully while balancing the negative potentials. There are pitfalls on the path of leadership - grandiosity and self-importance on the one hand and abuse of authority or self-pity, as a result of burdens and onerous responsibilities undertaken, on the other. This essence helps keep one focused, remaining true to the power invested in one by the Higher Self.

Self-pity; resentment; bitterness; transforming victimhood through taking personal responsibility.


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For victimhood and self-pity. Feelings of victimhood often originate in childhood when circumstances are beyond one's control. The patterns are set and resentment, bitterness, the perception that others are more fortunate and that one is bound to suffering and deprivation, become ingrained. Use of this essence allows one to take personal responsibility, to clear out the old stagnating emotions and to move forward with joy and forgiveness, thereby attracting positive life experiences.

Overemphasis on achieving, enduring, striving; inability to accept help; polarisation in masculine energy.

Zimbabwe Creeper

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For over-striving. This essence has a softening impact on those who strive too hard in whatever they do, are inflexible in their approach, who have difficulty asking for help and are high achievers, who are polarised in the masculine pattern of doing and enduring. It facilitates accepting assistance, yielding and surrendering where appropriate, bringing in the feminine aspect.

Repressed inner child; excessive seriousness; inability to play; lightening up; cheerfulness; laughter; joy.


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This essence assists the individual who is over-serious, heavy or grim, with a repressed inner child. It brings carefreeness, ebullience and the ability to laugh, play and see the humour and wonder in situations, to lighten up, developing a sense of the ineffable. It helps one pay attention to joy, giving one's energy to create form so that joy may manifest. Zinnia is also of assistance to adults in relating to children.

South African Flower Essences (book, $14.00)

The South African essence information on this website in one convenient book.

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